Pass the Blunt!

Dublin Core


Pass the Blunt!


Weed use in the 1990s


The impact of weed use from then to now


The Black 90s collective





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“WHAT?!! Pass the Blunt?”….Soooo why do you smoke cause I don’t…don’t get it?

June 17, 1999 at 6:25pm

Now what I am about to say may cause some people to form a certain view about me and maybe not respect my opinion…but please note that this is only my opinion! I just do not get the concept of smoking weed. I have heard others say that it’s for enjoyment purposes only…and I have heard other weed heads say, that it’s a need. I personally think that it is a mechanism that can be used to keep the “have nots” to stay in their lower economic class and not to progress.

Through my educational endeavors, I have discovered that “others” view African Americans, as well as Hispanics, as inferior by falling victim to certain “unseen mechanisms”. I feel that weed is a part of these forces and are placed in individuals hands to keep them grounded. Now come on, what drug has the same damaging effects that weed has? I mean it can stop you from climbing the economic ladder. “Weed heads” usually use the concept that “it’s just like any other substance like alcohol and cigarettes”…but those are ALL legal.

My brothers and sistahs are so quick to speak about smoking “dro” or “ching chong” in music videos and in the street, but they will turn around and wonder why they are not getting hired. Others use the drug as a sedative for when they get stressed or find themselves under extreme amounts of pressure, but to these individuals I ask…are there any other “legal” avenues of expression and or relief that can be utilized that would not cause you to loose your livelihood?

This is only my opinion for I welcome yours.

-My thoughts today in 2015!-
As I look back to where I was 6 years ago mentally, I must say that I am amazed at what I wrote. Though I shared some of the same sentiments that I expressed above, I will say that acquired age, academic pursuits and experience has elevated my thinking on the topic. I have dated someone who was indeed a weed head, they lived to be high. That experience caused me to write the previous piece, thus causing me to feel like people only did the drug for recreation purposes, but love made me take an alternative view on the topic. After an argument, my partner disclosed that, the only reason they smoke was more than for recreational purposes; but for relief of from chronic headaches. Living in the days of unconventional modes of medicine, weed is now seen as an oasis in the storm: an avenue of relief for pain. It’s easy for people to judge accused weedheads and thugs based upon a “rough” exterior. But what if they had an illness that only weed could cure. The 1990s brought the use of weed to the forefront, the present has brought weed into the avenue of conventional medicine. Weed may not be so bad after all, but it damn sure is still not for me!!


Luniz - I Got 5 On It Lyrics.mp4


The Black 90s collective, “Pass the Blunt!,” The Black 90s Archive, accessed October 6, 2024,

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