Browse Items (42 total)

rodney king beating.jpg
Awareness of the racially motivated police brutality and the police murder of Blacks in America caught on camera

Allen Iverson in Philadelphia 76ers jersey
The NBA player Allen Iverson's basketball career and his influence on popular culture

This resource discusses coinage of the term "Afrofuturism" and manifestations of this aesthetic form in black cultural production, predating the 90s, during the 90s, and post-90s.

Binder - Curricular Challenges Article.pdf
Introductory summary to the "Culture Wars" debate in educational policy

Legal Drug Money
"Renee" song by the Lost Boyz 1996 album entitled Legal Drug Money

cosby cast .jpg
A look at how the black family was portrayed in the 90s.

African-American Heroes Photo
The term African-American emerges throughout the 90s as the "correct" term to use when discussing the the people of African descent that were born in the United States

Cross Colours.jpg
A brief review of the most popular urban clothing brands of the 1990s.

DYSA African American English (or Ebonics) in the classroom.mp4
A look at the Ebonics debate of 1996-1997--common misconceptions, actual goals of the measure, and public reception.
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